We're turning 50 this year! Stay tuned for special events starting this winter!


  • What is the Difference Between Vintage and Antique Jewelry?

    Jewelry is a timeless accessory that has been treasured and passed down for generations. Whether it's vintage, antique, or estate jewelry, each piece tells a unique story of its own.

    However, there are some significant differences between these terms that many people may not be aware of.

  • From Clarity to Carats: Ultimate Guide to Diamond Characteristics

    Diamonds have long been revered for their breathtaking beauty and unparalleled durability, making them the perfect symbol of love and commitment. I...
  • The Ultimate Guide to Buying Diamond Stud Earrings

    Diamond jewelry is classic - and diamond stud earrings are so versatile that they can be worn in just about any setting, whether it’s a formal busi...
  • What are the Different Types of Bracelets?

    Jewelry collection is perhaps a favorite hobby of everyone who likes to get decked out from rings to earrings, anklets to bracelets, and so many mo...
  • 5 Great Tips for Picking Wedding Jewelry You’ll Love | Menashe & Sons Jewelers

    Weddings can be a very stressful event to plan. Picking the ring and choosing wedding day jewelry with your dress can be quite daunting, to say th...
  • 12 Types of Diamond Ring Settings: The Ultimate Guide

    Engagement rings are considered to be one of the most important pieces of jewelry as they signify a promise of commitment and the love that two peo...
  • How do jewelry stores clean diamond rings

    Diamond rings go through regular abuse and it's important to keep them in good shape year-round. A lot of people don't do this and that is when the...
  • How to Sell Estate Jewelry - 5 Points to Setting up the Price

    The decision to sell antique jewelry is personal and outright complex. These pieces usually have some emotional attachment and may not be easy to r...
  • Things to Know When Dealing with Jewelry Repair in Seattle

    Everyone views their jewelry differently. They may love jewelry, keeping it looking polished and clean, and their jewelry may last a lifetime. Ther...
  • Ways to Identify The Quality of a Diamond

    Diamonds naturally come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. However, all of them contain some intricate combinations of different chara...
  • Are Custom Wedding Rings More Expensive Than A Traditional Wedding Ring

    Weddings are a wonderful time for brides and grooms. It's their chance to say their vows to each other, and in front of their friends and family. W...
  • 4 Steps To Value Vintage Jewelry

    You may have been head over heels in love with that diamond watch or sparkly bracelet when you first purchased it. Now, however, it seems to have ...